OsteosConnect E-Pharma Companion

Many prosthetics, orthotics, rehabilitation aids, specialized medical equipment’s and devices are not standard prescriptions. The pharmacies quite often may have to deal with out of stock and even may not carry the non-standard prescriptions. The patients have to search for specific vendors supplying these specialized non-standard prescriptions which usually cause delays in acquiring and start using them.
In order to overcome these types of logistics barriers in acquiring non-standard prescriptions, OsteosConnect Inc has developed a one-stop digital solution providing services to both B2B and B2C customers. The pharmacies can place bulk orders with specific vendors directly using our OsteosConnect E-Pharma Companion mobile app and should be able to track the
purchase orders for quick turn around. The pharmacies don’t need to rely on traditional methods of paper based bulk orders and tracking through phone calls and/or social media messaging with medical equipment vendors. The doctors should be able to send the e-prescriptions directly to pharmacies for these non-standard prescriptions.
In case of B2C service, the patients receive the WhatsApp message with details of prosthetics/orthotics/rehabilitation aid and vendor information. The vendors can follow up with the patients directly for quick turn around of delivering non-standard prescriptions and provide specific instructions for using the vendor product.

Key Features of the OsteosConnect E-Pharma Companion

  • Pharmacies get push notifications and WhatsApp messages on e-prescriptions from doctors directly
  • Pharmacies can place and track bulk orders of non-standard prescriptions directly with vendors using OsteosConnect E-Pharma Companion mobile app
  • Digital E-Referrals provided by specific doctors and healthcare professionals -instantly reachable messages to serving medical equipment and device vendors
  • Visual view of vendor specific products provided to doctors and healthcare professionals
  • Specialization specific products favorites list provided to doctors for quick e-referrals
  • Instant messaging with patient contact details and product specific e-referral provided to medical equipment/device vendor or in-house pharmacy hosted on our OsteosConnect e-referral platform
  • Links on web product description page with visuals of prescribed product and video demonstration of the product
  • Patient gets vendor contact details and able to work with vendor closely in selecting and purchasing   appropriate prescribed product
  • Doctor/healthcare professional is able to track total prescriptions made to and purchased from app registered medical equipment vendor
  • Review OsteosConnect E-Pharma Companion